Hiking Kit

When I travel in the woods, I always try to bring some kind of bag, if nothing more than making sure that I am carrying weight. It keeps me used to bringing packs with me in the woods, so that when I go on a backpacking trip the added weight of a pack is not such a shock to the system.
The above is the small hiking pack I bring out by itself for day hikes and use as the core kit of any backpacking load. The contents of the pack are (from left to right, and top to bottom): the fanny back (note the safety pins clipped to the inside of the top pouch), folding chopsticks (my big indiscretion), a Gerber multiplier in an old school Eagle Creek pouch, a headlamp, my comfort kit (toothbrush, toothpaste, chapstick, kleenex in a mesh bag), a compass, lightweight first aid kit (I usually make these, but I really liked the bag and it was a present), a monocular, water purification tablets, matches in waterproof case, duct tape, 2 lightsticks, and a plastic spoon.
Some things change, depending on where I am going and what is on the itenerary, but this is the basic hiking kit. There is also plenty of room left in the pack for field rations (jerky, parched corn, etc.), a water flask, or/and ammunition, if needed.