Latest updates: 5/10/2005

"Gasoline? Looks like I got myself some gasoline, eh?"
Latest updates: 3/1/2005

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."
Latest updates: 2/09/2005

Built on the chassis of an Israeli fast-attack vehicle, the Razorback makes paintballers run like the devil himself was coming . . .
Latest updates: 2/06/2005

Shelter line stretching around the corner,
Welcome to the New World Order
Latest updates: 1/10/2005

Happy New Year from those whom you would be,
If only you'd ignore the voices on T.V.
Latest updates: 12/6/2004

Latest updates: 11/23/2004

Zombies are the new vampires.
Latest updates: 10/18/2004

Gentleman-rankers out on the spree, damned from here to Eternity.
- Rudyard Kipling

The season is back in session.

In the future, wars will be fought in space - or on really high mountains.

We got together at the Shop to get all the markers ready for the new season.

Just got the "Flint & Steel" from Atlanta Cutlery in the mail. Look for some trail tests in the future.

This paintball gun can kick your ass.

Tested out the paintball mortar and bazooka.