Anomalies - The Anomalies Group is news gathering and current events analysis organization.
Arms and Related Materials - "What do you need?" "Guns. Lots of guns."
Canis - Hunting - Ethical hunters are always conservation minded.
Communications - Getting the word out
Contact - How to contact the web admin of this site
Don't Take Their Crap - A little bit on sticking it to the Man
Equipment - What to take into the field, carry in your car, strap to the inside of your thigh . . .
Events - Everyone needs something to do. Except communists. They can just go off and read their Little Red Book.
Field Days - Field Days are where the Raiders get together and do things like test new equipment or build emplacements on the land.
Ganymede - Intel - Stay informed and make up your own mind.
Gemini - Airsoft - Though our airsoft is limited to the off-chance on the paintball field or messing around inside the garage, some people are seriously into the airsoft hobby.
The Grid - Learn it, love it . . . oh, wait - that's not it
On the Drawing Board - Here are some paintball projects I am working on.
Paintball - The information page for the Orion Raiders paintball club
Per Sylvas - By way of the woods . . .
Pirates - Avast ye, matey!
Recommended Reading - A list of books that are good for those on the Action Lifestyle
Robotic Monkey Watch - Bringing paranoia to a respectable, 1950's level.
Skills List - Skills every Agent should know
Special Operations - Scenario paintball games and other such high speed, low drag-inspired events
Sustainability - Making it work in the woods, for a long, long time
Team Splatmaster - The marker that started it all - for a lot of us
Top Secret, SI - The Orion Foundation came from the old TSR role playing game - here's some backgroud for itinerant fans
Transmissions from the Fringe - The begrudgingly done, requisite Paranormal page
Two-Fisted Adventure - Keeping it real in the hard-boiled sense of the word
Upcoming Events - What's up and going down for the Raiders
Updates - Archived updates to the site
Web-based Resources - All of the recommended links on the site in our convenient location
What is The Action Lifestyle? - A breif synopsis of the philosophy that is the Action Lifestyle
Why is the base of operations in Texas? - Texas is the only state that used to be its own country. It is also the only state to join the Union through treaty, rather than annexation - which means that the Texas flag can legally fly at the same height as the United States flag.
Zombies! - It got into my hand, and it went bad . . .