An Evening with "Coup" Coupounas - President of GoLite
- 30 miles/day
- camping at dusk
mobility - not speed, but the potential for speed
- safer, can adjust to conditions
- less stress on the body
- load reduced to get close to "normal" weight of hiker
To test theory - people went out for 11 days with no gear
- use flint to make arrowheads, arrowheads cut old tires to make sandals
- but that is survival - not fun
vacation is supposed to be fun
first test was Colorado trail without resupply
- "alpine style"
- no blisters on whole trip
To save weight/heat - all body hair was shaved off
women's trekking poles are 2.0oz ligher and made for person up to 6'2"
emergency rain gear vs. regular gear
- get emergency rain gear out of emergency kit and make it part of regular gear
usually "cowboy camping"
- sleeping bag on ground sheet
- use emergency blanket as ground sheet - lighter, lasts for 40 days
bear container used on sierra trip (CA)
- the transparent one is lighter
- only usefulness was as a washer for clothes - water, add soap, clothes, throw down a hill
Light packing buys time for other things
Part 2 - Coming soon