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Assassin: The Final Game

Assassin: The Final Game

Years ago a used bookstore by my parent's house used to have a pretty good selection of vintage games. This was before eBay really took off and if you really wanted to find a cool old game you'd either have to steal it from an older sibling or find one in good condition at a Thrift Store. Of course I am talking about board games which force you to . . . . egads! . . . speak to actual humans.

Figure 1: Layout of game

I bought a complete copy of Assassin: The Final Game for the whopping price of $5. Considering I have probably played it about 10,000 times since then, it has become my single, least-expensive form of family-safe entertainment.

More or less the idea here is to make your way around the board buying and selling illegal commodities, until you have the opportunity to take out your opponents with either bomb, rifle, pistol, knife, or poison dart. It is a very easy-to-learn game and with only the most steadfast of simpletons not getting the gist of it in one or two turn cycles.

Figure 2: Detail of the board

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