Tuesday, February 14, 2006

'Shock' at new Bond plot

Apparently the choice for James Bond isn't the only shocking thing about the new Bond film.

The family of a Brazilian man shot dead after being mistaken for a terrorist are "shocked" that his killing is to be reportedly mirrored in the plot of the next James Bond blockbuster

Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, was killed in a police operation at Stockwell Underground station in London last July.

His relatives, who live in Brazil, are said to be "shocked" that his death could be "glamorised" by the new 007 film, Casino Royale, out later this year.

According to reports, a leaked script reveals that Bond kills an unarmed bomb suspect, only to find it was the wrong man.

Bond, played by Daniel Craig, 37, tries to clear his name after CCTV footage of the death is broadcast worldwide.

It is not clear if the shooting storyline will be in the film.

Art imitating life? Or Hollywood being so devoid of creativity that they have to get all of their ideas from CNN?

I always felt like James Bond was a Cold War icon that should have stayed in the Cold War time frame. Chasing Russians and East Germans across the Berlin Wall was the real deal for Bond. As soon as they had James Bond in New Orleans fighting a "Mr. Big" blaxploitation bad guy and dodging the "Buford"-style Southern sheriff . . . it was the beginning of the end. Space Marines, anyone?

There was some good elements in the last Bond film - James Bond getting captured by North Koreans - but then it went back to the old meglomaniac with a ton of money getting loony and wanting more money, power, etc. - while hiding in a huge, very obvious, and very bomb-able base.

If any of these blokes existed in real life, a SEAL team would have smoked them a long time ago.
Oh wait a minute . . .


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